Woman Contracts Bacteria and Discovers Husband Had Sex with Corpses

Woman Contracts Bacteria in Vagina and Discovers Husband Had Sex with CorpsesFreePik

A doctor who creates content for TikTok shocked TikTok users by telling the story of one of her patients.

Larissa Pereira Faria received a 43-year-old woman in her office who complained of itching and strong odor in her vagina. “The odor was so foul that you could smell it at the entrance to the office,” the health professional described.

According to Larissa, the patient was desperate because she had already been to other doctors and used medication, but the condition only worsened.

The woman also complained of pain and said she felt embarrassed when she left the house. The doctor then decided to admit her to investigate the condition.

“When we found out why, there was a huge fright. In the vagina, there was a bacterium from dead people,” Larissa revealed.

The way the patient contracted the bacteria is even more shocking. Her husband worked in a morgue, practiced necrophilia with corpses, and then had sex with her.

After the discovery, the man was reported to the hospital where he worked. He was imprisoned for a few days and is now free.

The victim, on the other hand, asked for a divorce and began to undergo psychiatric follow-up to treat the trauma.

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